Pilas?? In Guatemala, this word means...Cool...Awesome... High Quality...Energized...Enthusiastic! This word perfectly describes our fabulous missionaries. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve with these great Elders and Hermanas in...the Escuintla Zone...
Our zone leaders and APs demonstrate how a missionary evolves, the process takes two full years, but it is worth all the hard work. As the two years end, the missionary looks forward to a great future! (Front to Back, based on time in the mission) Elders Burgos, Rosales, Quijada, Knight, Gonzalez Tarax, Park, Ayala, Jimenez, Bejar, Fuimaono, Moore, Martinez, Allen, Montoya, Dodge, Hutchings, Lewis, Lowry, Deering and finally President Baldwin. Too much fun!
Adios Elders Musick, Velasquez and Lopez! Thank you for two great years of missionary service!
Enjoying the view from the mission home
Our newest missionarie with their trainers...(L to R) Elder Wilkinson and his trainee Elder Huezo, Hna. Johanson with her trainer, Hna. Wetzel and Elder Fullerton with his trainee, Elder Cucuk.
Bienvenidos! Elder Cucuk, Hna. Johanson and Elder Huezo
Welcome to the newly created Guatemala City Central Mission Blog.
This site is intended for parents, family, and friends of missionaries now serving in our mission.
We also welcome viewers who are former missionaries who have since departed for their homes in Central and South America, as well as the USA and Canada. The experiences and blessings of missionary service are to be cherished and shared. We trust the you will enjoy seeing your missionaries and experience, via this blog, their dedication and energy amidst some of their activities here in beautiful Guatemala.
Warm regards,
President and Sister Baldwin