These are great missionaries. It has been a
blessing to service with such fine, young men
and women. (L to R) Elders Patterson, Domgaard,
Peterson, Johnston, Hna. Brown, Elders Lloyd,
Ercanbrack, Pande and Curtis.
Our new missionaries arrived the next day, excited
and ready to go (Lto R) Hnas. Moeai, Park, Zapet,
Rubio, Ayala, Elders Udall, Crook, Taylor, Briggs,
Ogden, Richards, Ratelle, Hernandez, Wilkinson,
Petersen, Bench, Lontine, Porter, Euteneier,
Fullerton and Crittenden
Elder Wall arrived a few weeks later - Bienvenidos!
Thanks so much for posting the picture of the new missionaries, especially Hermana Park. she is our wonderful daughter. It is so comforting to us to see pictures of her and see how happy she is.