As of July 1st, there is a zone leaders council
at the beginning of each month. Our zone leaders
are held to a high standard and are exceptional
examples to all the missionaries in their zones.
Thank you for your service and dedication.
(Front to Back) Elders Tax, Davis, Weiler, Jimenez,
Dailey, and Moya
(L to R) Elders Malouf, Martinez, Bejar, Lindsley,
Melville and Judd
(Front to back) Elders Winter, Barber, Montoya,
Cano, Dodge, and Zapata.
Elders Jacobs and Lewis serve dinner to the
zone leaders for the last time!!
Such great zone leaders and opportunities for them to learn leadership skills and what the Lord wants for them to do! Elder Jacobs is awesome and has done a great job in the mission home too! (He's our neighbor down the street:)so we get to hear about his mission through his family). I love that Elder Montoya often gives the thumbs up sign (just like what his dad does) signifying that life is good, he is happy, the light of Christ is alive and well! Thank you for posting updates and pictures!